Sunday, October 2, 2011

Procrastination Strikes Again

Dearest readers, the thing about procrastination is that once you're started, it's hard to stop. "Well, one more day won't hurt" seems to be my mantra every evening when I think that I should post something here on my blog for you all to read. I've been taking six classes, some of which are 5 days a week, and I've been making so many new friends and spending time with them that by the time I think I should post something, I'd rather just take a nap. My apologies. Since I've written last, I do believe that I have taken a bus tour of the Connemara region, which is just absolutely beautiful and should probably be seen by everyone at some point in their lifetime. The landscape is, well, I suppose the words to describe it are ruggedly beautiful, and I took far too many pictures of various mountains that probably all look the same in image, so I'll keep the posting to a few. We visited Kylemore Abbey, which beautifully situated on a lake in the Connemara Mountains, which makes the setting feel quite a bit like stepping into Hogwarts. I also went hiking on the mountain adjacent to Kylemore Abbey with a group of international students, where I met several of my new friends. I happened to be hiking the day that my roommate and a few other friends from my program were at the Abbey, and they reckon they saw me on the top around lunch time. That is when I was there, and they have a picture of what appear to be several people on the top, but it's so hard to tell when we were so far away from each other (vertically, that is).
But I'm sure you're curious about these friends I've been meeting, and don't fret Mom, they're not serial killers. Kathy is in my European Politics class, and one day we started talking about politics and didn't stop for 2 hours. We would've kept going had I not had another class. After that we've spent a lot of time flapping our gums, and not always necessarily about politics, which is nice. Marie, Ivan, and Leesa are in my German class (which is feeling less and less imposing thank goodness) and we also talk quite a bit. Marie is from France and she is spending the 3 years for a degree here so that she can work on her English. Leesa divides her time between her dad, who lives in Australia and her mom who lives here in Galway, and so she loves to tell us about Australia. Oddly enough, I've learned since I've been here that there is a rather large population of Irish in Australia, something I'd never thought of before. And Ivan is just so incredibly nice and thinks that me being from America is just the most fascinating thing. He's also mad about Britney Spears and I'm making plans to go see her in concert in Dublin with Ivan and Leesa.
Of course there are my Irish flatmates as well, and the others in my program - I probably still spend the most time with them. But they're quickly becoming some very close friends and I'm happy to have me them.
I spent the last two days in Dublin meeting up with my friend Jon, whom I went to high school with, and whom is studying in London this semester. He came over for the weekend with his friends from school and we all tried to explore the sopping-wet city of Dublin. We walked from place to place quite a bit, which I consider impressive when thinking how much extra weight we were carrying from wet clothes and bags. We spent a few hours outside of Dublin in Howth, which is a very pretty island. We walked to so many places I probably couldn't even tell you exactly what we saw between Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday morning. All I know is that I arrived back here in Galway this afternoon totally exhausted and with a few extra blisters on my feet. Oh, and with a mound of laundry waiting for me. Ah well, C'est la vie I suppose

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