Monday, August 29, 2011

A New Flight

Well, after much confusion and stress, I now have a flight out of Boston on Tuesday night at 6. I'll arrive in Dublin at 5 am on Wednesday, but hey, I'll get there....assuming nothing else goes wrong.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Well, I just learned that our flight out of New York on Sunday has been cancelled, so at least we won't have to ride out the storm in an airport! But I'll be here in Milford for another few days. Not sure when my flight will be now, but here's hoping it'll be on Monday or Tuesday!

Come on Irene

So, the original plan this weekend for me to take off was to fly from Boston to New York at 3 in the afternoon on Sunday, hang around JFK for 5 hours until my flight to Dublin at 9:50 pm. Well, now Hurricane Irene is set to arrive in New York about the time that my flight leaves from Boston to New York, which is anticipating declaring a State of Emergency. Thus, the the new plan is to drive to NYC the day before, on Saturday, stay in the hotel and wait in the airport while my mom rides out the storm in a hotel room. I really don't like this at all, it makes me so nervous, but if I'm not checked in at the airport and my flight is canceled, I don't get a chance to be rescheduled and make it out to Dublin. So, I am anticipating that I will have my first ever over-night in an airport terminal. We'll have to wait and see, but I really just hope that this storm suddenly dies or goes way out to sea in the other direction.

Here's hoping.

Monday, August 22, 2011

One Week...

Exactly one week from today I will finally be touching down in Dublin for orientation before heading to Galway. You might be able to say that I've started the packing process - if that's what you call an open suitcase with some toiletries thrown into it. Excitement should be creeping up on me, but anxiety about the travel is over-powering it at the moment. I first must drive into Boston's Logan airport, to fly to New York's JFK airport, where I will exit, gather my luggage, attempt to figure out how to get to the international terminal, check my luggage back in, and proceed to wait for the remaining four hours until my 10 pm flight to Dublin, which I'm sure I will not be able to sleep on (owing to the fact that by this point, I'll be quite excited). But once that part is over, I can start being anxious about how I'll ever manage to become accustomed to how university works in Ireland and if I'll pass my classes.

But I'm getting ahead of myself; first I have to figure out how many pairs of shoes I'll need!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Two Weeks Until...

Once again, just as I did on my summer in Germany, I am going to be keeping a blog here for my semester in Ireland to keep those at home updated on my adventures. I leave in less than two weeks, and I should really start getting my act together! Make sure I've got all the information and the documents that I need. And making sure that the clothes I want to wear equals less than 40 lbs so that my suitcase doesn't rip my arm off somewhere between Dublin and Galway. Naturally I lost my camera a few weeks back, so I've got a brand-spankin' new one for the trip (which I will try my darnd-est NOT to lose).
I'll miss my friends, especially my Haywards family, where I scoop ice-cream 5-7 days a week depending on the week, but it's been a really fun summer that flew by. I am especially keen to see the new renovations at Widener that I hear should be done by the time I return, so I've got something else to look forward too. But mostly I can't wait to see my room-mates again! Living with my 5 best friends was hard to give up for the summer, and then an adjoining fall semester, but that will make seeing them again all the better!

So, I'll keep you updated! Hope you enjoy the ride as much as I (hope I) will!