Monday, August 22, 2011

One Week...

Exactly one week from today I will finally be touching down in Dublin for orientation before heading to Galway. You might be able to say that I've started the packing process - if that's what you call an open suitcase with some toiletries thrown into it. Excitement should be creeping up on me, but anxiety about the travel is over-powering it at the moment. I first must drive into Boston's Logan airport, to fly to New York's JFK airport, where I will exit, gather my luggage, attempt to figure out how to get to the international terminal, check my luggage back in, and proceed to wait for the remaining four hours until my 10 pm flight to Dublin, which I'm sure I will not be able to sleep on (owing to the fact that by this point, I'll be quite excited). But once that part is over, I can start being anxious about how I'll ever manage to become accustomed to how university works in Ireland and if I'll pass my classes.

But I'm getting ahead of myself; first I have to figure out how many pairs of shoes I'll need!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sam--don't worry about classes in Ireland. They are much easier than what you are used to. In fact, I only went to about 5 of my 10 class hours each week and I got the equivalent of A's and B's. Not to mention that the passing grade is a 45... yes that's out of 100! :)
